Page 35 - ar2012

SEO Version

| Annual Report 2012
Community Assistance
In addition to economic empowerment, we are committed
to improving the general living standards of the local
communities.Our Community Development personnel work
closely with the project managers on-site to be acquainted
with local communities and local residents.Through regular
interactions with them, we are able to identify the needs of
the local communities and partner with them to address
those needs where practicably possible. We also hold
regular meetings with representatives of each village to
discuss progress and implementation of our community
assistance plans as well as to address any issues, concerns
or complaints that may arise. Our community assistance
efforts include upgrading of roads (in one instance we
layered dirt tracks to build an access road to a village
school), repairing roofs and drains, making donations
to mosques and local schools (including providing basic
school supplies) as well as organizing and participating
in local festivities and celebrations with the communities.
We also provide medical and health support in the form
of free clinic consultation and treatment services to the
local communities near our mine site. Where required, we
also provide and distribute basic food necessities to needy
World Safety Day